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Cherrybrook Village Shopping Centre
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Prime Sydney Neighbourhood Centre sells for $132.8 Million, 5.01% Yield

McVay Real Estate and Stonebridge Property Group
are pleased to announce the sale of Cherrybrook Village
for $132,800,000 on behalf of Mirvac.

Cherrybrook Village is a dominant and established 9,382 sqm
neighbourhood shopping centre located 30km north west of the Sydney
CBD in the affluent Sydney metropolitan suburb of Cherrybrook.

The convenience focused, single level centre is anchored by a strong
performing Woolworths, 1 mini major and 51 specialty tenants.

Transaction Details

Sale price


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Building Rate per sqm


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WALE (by area)

3.6 Years

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"The demand for quality convenience assets is at unprecedented levels,
with a mix of private, syndicate, institutional and offshore capital
all competing for very limited supply, and the weight of capital
is driving strong pricing for this asset class."

Sam McVay

McVay Real Estate

For further information, please contact the undersigned:

Sam McVay

+61 402 613 603

[email protected]

Dan McVay

+61 412 872 859

[email protected]

In conjunction with Stonebridge Property Group


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To the maximum extent permitted by law, Mirvac Funds Limited ABN 92 003 280 699 as responsible entity of the Mirvac Property Trust ARSN 086 780 645 (“the Vendor”), its affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, advisers and intermediaries do not make any warranty, express or implied, as to the currency, accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information in this IM or that the information is suitable for your intended use and disclaim all responsibility and liability for the information (including, without limitation, liability for negligence).

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